Raw Herbs

Dashmularishta : Benefits, Precautions and Dosage

What is


Improves digestion | Relieves joint pain

Dashmularishta is a formulation designed to address Vata and Kapha-related disorders. Enriched with a blend of ten powerful herbs, it Impruve vitality and life force. Its unique formulation includes fragrant and nutritious substances like musk, which contribute to its pleasant taste and properties.

This versatile remedy is known for its effectiveness in alleviating wind-induced pain, fever, dysentery, and postpartum weakness. It revitalizes the body, increases semen production, and promotes overall strength and radiance. Ideal for care, Dashmularishta aids in overcoming fatigue, supports lactation, and ensures quicker recovery.

In cases of tuberculosis and other respiratory issues, combining Dashmularishta with Cadliver oil offers significant benefits. Its nutritious composition also supports women with uterine issues, helping to strengthen the uterus and improve reproductive health. For lactating mothers struggling with low milk production, a blend of Dashmularishta and asparagus can enhance lactation. Experience the rejuvenating effects of Dashmularishta and restore balance and strength to your life.

What is Dashmularishta made of?

  • Bilva, Syonaka, Gambhari, Patala, Agnimantha, Salaparni, Brhati, Prisniparni, Kantkari, Gokshru, Chitrak, Pohkar Mul, Giloya, Lodhra, Amla, Javasa.

What are the synonyms of Dashmularishta?

  • Dashamoolarishtam,

What is the source of Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation derived from the Dashamoola group of herbs, Patala, Agnimantha, Salaparni, Brhati, Prisniparni, Kantkari, Gokshru, Chitrak, Pohkar Mul, Giloya form the foundation of this herbal tonic, which is prepared as an Asava-Arishta.



Skin Problems | Liver Health

Dashmularishta - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation made from 10 potent herbs (Dashmool), used as a fermented herbal tonic. It is widely known for its health-boosting and rejuvenating properties.

Q2: What are the key health benefits of Dashmularishta?

  • Improves digestion: Helps in reducing bloating, acidity, and indigestion.
  • Boosts immunity: Strengthens the body’s resistance to infections.
  • Supports postnatal health: Aids in faster recovery after childbirth.
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain: Reduces inflammation and supports joint health.
  • Balances hormones: Useful in managing menstrual irregularities and related symptoms.

Q3: How does Dashmularishta benefit women’s health?

Dashmularishta is highly beneficial for women, particularly for postnatal recovery. It helps rejuvenate the body, regulate menstrual cycles, and alleviate menstrual pain.

Q4: क्या दशमूलारिष्ट सभी के लिए सुरक्षित है?

आम तौर पर, दशमूलारिष्ट का सेवन अनुशंसित मात्रा में करने पर सुरक्षित होता है। हालाँकि, गर्भवती महिलाओं, स्तनपान कराने वाली माताओं और अंतर्निहित स्वास्थ्य स्थितियों वाले लोगों को उपयोग करने से पहले आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक से परामर्श करना चाहिए।

Q5: दशमूलारिष्ट का सेवन कैसे किया जाना चाहिए?

सामान्य खुराक 15-30 मिली है जिसे बराबर मात्रा में पानी में मिलाकर दिन में दो बार भोजन के बाद लिया जाता है। हालाँकि, खुराक व्यक्तिगत ज़रूरतों और स्वास्थ्य स्थितियों के आधार पर अलग-अलग हो सकती है।

Q6: क्या दशमूलारिष्ट थकान और कमजोरी से राहत दिलाने में मदद कर सकता है?

जी हाँ, दशमूलारिष्ट एक बेहतरीन ऊर्जावर्धक है। यह शरीर को पुनर्जीवित करता है, थकान को कम करता है और शारीरिक शक्ति और सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाता है।


Frequently Asked Questions

*Ask me anything*

Is Dashmularishta effective for weight loss?
  • Dashmularishta is primarily used for improving digestion and metabolism, which may indirectly aid in weight management. However, it is not a direct remedy for weight loss.
  • Yes, Dashmularishta is beneficial for men as well. It strengthens the body, improves digestion, and enhances vitality, making it suitable for overall health.
  • Dashmularishta is known to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce period pain, and manage hormonal imbalances. It is particularly effective for conditions like irregular periods and dysmenorrhea.
    • Yes, Dashmularishta helps balance hormones and supports uterine health, which can improve irregular menstrual cycles.
  • डश्मूलारिष्ट पाचन और चयापचय को सुधारकर वजन प्रबंधन में सहायक हो सकता है, लेकिन यह सीधे वजन घटाने का उपाय नहीं है।
  • Dashmularishta is not recommended during pregnancy without the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.


*Advice from Experts*

1. Consultation Required

Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider before starting Dashmularishta, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have existing health conditions.

2. Dosage Adherence

Take Dashmularishta in the prescribed dosage. Overconsumption can lead to digestive issues or other side effects.

3. Not for Children Without Guidance

Avoid giving Dashmularishta to children unless specifically recommended by a healthcare expert.

4. Avoid in Certain Conditions

Individuals with diabetes or those following a low-sugar diet should be cautious, as Dashmularishta contains natural sugars from its fermentation process.

5. Allergy Awareness

Check the ingredient list for any potential allergens. If you have a history of allergic reactions to Ayurvedic herbs, proceed with caution.

6. कुछ पदार्थों के साथ मिश्रण से बचें

दशमूलारिष्ट को भारी, मसालेदार या तैलीय भोजन के साथ लेने से बचें, ताकि इसके लाभों को अधिकतम किया जा सके और पाचन संबंधी असुविधा को रोका जा सके।

7. अल्कोहल के प्रति संवेदनशीलता

प्राकृतिक किण्वन प्रक्रिया के कारण, दशमूलारिष्ट में अल्कोहल का एक छोटा प्रतिशत होता है। यदि आप अल्कोहल के प्रति संवेदनशील हैं, तो उपयोग करने से पहले अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।

8. साइड इफेक्ट्स पर नज़र रखें

कुछ मामलों में हल्की एसिडिटी या ढीले मल जैसे सामान्य साइड इफेक्ट्स हो सकते हैं। यदि ये बने रहते हैं या बिगड़ जाते हैं, तो उपयोग बंद कर दें और स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाता से परामर्श करें।

9. बीमारी के दौरान न लें

यदि आपको बुखार, दस्त या अन्य गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्याएँ हैं, तो दशमूलारिष्ट का उपयोग करने से बचें, जब तक कि किसी चिकित्सक द्वारा सलाह न दी जाए।

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