Raw Herbs

Chandanasava : Benefits, Precautions and Dosage

What is


Skin Health |  Improves Digestion | Liver Health

Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic tonic crafted from a blend of premium herbs, including Pippali, Chiraita, health. It is especially effective in managing conditions such as nocturnal emission, and urinary disorders.

Known for its cooling properties, Chandanasava helps in reducing heat and inflammation in the body. It assists in cleansing the quality, and alleviating symptoms of syphilis. Additionally, it supports overall vitality by strengthening the heart health and the digestive system.

Chandanasava is beneficial for conditions like liver disorders, urine infections, skin conditions, body heat, and acidity. It also helps balance Pitta dosha and is useful for managing uric acid levels and conditions like piles. For kids, it is beneficial in maintaining overall health, and for those experiencing body heat, it can be an effective cooling agent.

Usage Instructions: To use, mix 1 to 2 tolas of Chandanasava with an equal amount of water and consume after meals, twice daily. For enhanced results in managing urinary disorders, gonorrhea, or piles, it can be combined with sandalwood oil and other Ayurvedic preparations. Regular use of Chandanasava promotes well-being, restores balance, and revitalizes the body.

Incorporating Chandanasava into your wellness routine can provide holistic support, enhance vitality, and help restore harmony to your body systems.

What is Chandanasava made of?

  • Chandan Saphed, Tagar, Khus, Nagarmotha, Gambhari, Nelophar, Prayangu, Padhmakh, Lodhra, Majith, Chandan Rakt, Parhal, Chiraita, Barjata (Bargad), Pippali.

What are the synonyms of Chandanasava?

  • Chandana Asava, Chandanasav

What is the source of Chandanasava?

  • Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic formulation that is primarily sourced from a blend of herbs, with the key ingredient being Chandana (Sandalwood) Nagarmotha, Gambhari, Nelophar, Prayangu, Padhmakh, Lodhra, Majith, Chandan Rakt.


Skin Health |  Improves Digestion | Liver Health

What is Chandanasava?

Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic herbal formulation designed to address a variety of health concerns, particularly those related to urinary, reproductive, and skin health. It is composed of herbs like Chandana (Sandalwood), Pippali, Chiraita, and others, which work together to cleanse the body, cool inflammation, and enhance overall vitality.

Benefits of Chandanasava

  • Urinary Health: Helps in treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) and improves urine flow.
  • Cooling Properties: Reduces excess heat in the body and relieves symptoms like body heat and acidity.
  • Supports Reproductive Health: Effective in managing issues like nocturnal emissions and leucorrhea.
  • Skin Health: Treats skin disorders such as syphilis and related infections.
  • Improves Digestion: Strengthens the digestive system and reduces digestive discomfort.
  • Liver Health: Detoxifies the liver and improves liver function.

How does Chandanasava work for urinary infections?

Chandanasava has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the symptoms of urinary infections by promoting healthy urine production and cleansing the urinary tract. It also relieves pain and discomfort associated with urinary issues.

Can Chandanasava help with skin problems?

Yes, Chandanasava is beneficial for treating various skin conditions, especially those related to heat and inflammation. It can manage issues like syphilis, eczema, and heat rashes by reducing excess heat in the body and purifying the blood.

चंदनासव शरीर की गर्मी को कैसे दूर करता है?

चंदनासव अपने शीतल गुणों के लिए जाना जाता है, जो इसे अतिरिक्त पित्त दोष (जो अक्सर शरीर की गर्मी से जुड़ा होता है) को कम करने में प्रभावी बनाता है। यह आंतरिक गर्मी को संतुलित करने में मदद करता है, अत्यधिक शरीर की गर्मी के कारण होने वाले चकत्ते, एसिडिटी और चिड़चिड़ापन जैसे लक्षणों को कम करता है।

क्या चंदनासव लीवर के स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है?

हां, चंदनासव एक डिटॉक्सिफाइंग एजेंट के रूप में कार्य करके लीवर के कार्य में सहायता करता है। यह लीवर को साफ करने, पित्त स्राव में सुधार करने और समग्र लीवर स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है।

क्या चंदनासव का उपयोग बवासीर के लिए किया जा सकता है?

हां, चंदनासव पाचन में सुधार, स्वस्थ मल त्याग को बढ़ावा देने और शरीर में गर्मी और सूजन को कम करके बवासीर के लक्षणों को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।

एसिडिटी के लिए चंदनासव कैसे उपयोगी है?

चंदनासव पेट में अतिरिक्त एसिड को बेअसर करके और पाचन तंत्र को संतुलित करके एसिडिटी को कम करने में मदद करता है। इसके ठंडक देने वाले गुण पेट की परत को आराम पहुँचाते हैं, जिससे एसिड रिफ्लक्स या अपच से होने वाली परेशानी कम होती है।


Frequently Asked Questions

*Ask me anything*

What is Chandanasava used for?
  • Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic tonic primarily used for addressing urinary disorders, skin problems, body heat, and digestive issues. It is known for its cooling properties and is effective in managing conditions like urinary infections, piles, acidity, uric acid buildup, and skin irritation.
  • Yes, Chandanasava can support liver health. It is known to help detoxify the liver, reduce inflammation, and improve overall liver function. It aids in enhancing digestive functions, which indirectly supports liver health.
  • Yes, Chandanasava is helpful in managing urinary infections. It has cooling and cleansing properties that help reduce inflammation in the urinary tract, promote better urine flow, and aid in the treatment of infections.
  • Chandanasava can help improve skin health. It works by cooling the body, reducing inflammation, and helping to detoxify the body, all of which contribute to clearer skin. It is also used to treat skin irritation and rashes.
  • Yes, Chandanasava is known for its cooling properties, making it effective for reducing excess body heat. It helps balance the body's internal temperature and alleviate symptoms associated with heat or pitta dosha imbalance in Ayurveda.
  • In Ayurveda, Pitta dosha is associated with heat, irritation, and inflammation. Chandanasava helps cool down the Pitta dosha, balancing its effects on the body. It is ideal for people experiencing excessive heat, inflammation, or digestive issues related to Pitta imbalance.
M.R.P: 154.00646.00 (Inc. of all taxes)
U.S.P 0.290.38 /g
M.R.P: 185.00685.00 (Inc. of all taxes)
U.S.P 0.841.54 /g


*Advice from Experts*

Chandanasava - Precautions and Usage Guidelines

1. Consult a Healthcare Professional

Before starting any new Ayurvedic supplement, including Chandanasava, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are on other medications.

2. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Chandanasava should be used cautiously during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Always consult a doctor before using it in these conditions to ensure it’s safe for both the mother and baby.

3. Follow Dosage Instructions

It is essential to follow the recommended dosage to avoid potential side effects. Typically, 1-2 tolas (12-24 ml) mixed with equal water, taken twice daily, is recommended, but individual needs may vary.

4. अत्यधिक उपयोग से बचें

चंदनासव के अत्यधिक सेवन से गैस्ट्रिक जलन, मतली या अन्य पाचन संबंधी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। सुरक्षा और प्रभावशीलता के लिए निर्धारित खुराक का ही सेवन करें।

5. अवयवों से एलर्जी

यदि आपको चंदनासव के किसी भी घटक (जैसे, चंदन, पिप्पली) से एलर्जी है, तो आपको इसका उपयोग करने से बचना चाहिए या विकल्पों के लिए अपने स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाता से परामर्श करना चाहिए।

6. दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से ग्रस्त लोग

चंदनासव कुछ पुरानी बीमारियों, जैसे कि किडनी की बीमारी, लिवर की बीमारी या मधुमेह के साथ प्रतिक्रिया कर सकता है। अगर आपको ऐसी कोई भी बीमारी है, तो इसका इस्तेमाल करने से पहले डॉक्टर से सलाह लें।